Saturday, September 25, 2010


Haven't updated in a while (shame on me). Last Friday (17th) i finally saw a medical doctor who has experience with transgendered people. It was so comforting to finally find someone who has experience with my condition. Funny part is that he thought i was taking too much estrogen and now he told me we needed to double the amount per week. So instead of 10mg i'm taking 20mg per week. Insurance covered everything necessary except the estrogen, which 10 weeks worth came out to be $250 because they didn't have the generic version, ouch. My credit card bill is going to be rediculous this month *sighs*.

Most of my facial hair has fallen out! YAY!! I have a few ugly patches that need to be zapped that were missed. I hope when I go to Hawaii, they will all be gone, until the other hairs grow in.

I have a few more things i need to say, but i'll update later.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I don't know what to think about them right now. I guess I have to live my life and they have to live theirs. I know I am doing the right thing, but each member is having difficulties accepting it.

The interesting thing, is that I am very good at evaluating people, or at least understanding their strengths and weaknesses. I am not good at understanding their values so it has been interesting at the different reactions from people I have told.

I hope with all my being that my close family is not ashamed of me. This path is not a want nor a desire. This is me.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have fallen into desperation mode to get what i need in my life. I have done all i can through my insurance and it has gotten me more and more roadblocks. The only positive part is that i can use all of these doctors as references for the insurance company.

Since i was desperate, I will be going outside my insurance and i will be paying a doctor in chicago to get the meds i need. I do not know what he is like, but his name was given to me "through the grapevine."

I hope this does not haunt me in the future.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Laser Hair Removal

I'm going to start labelling my blogs based upon things i want to discuss since it is silly do post days as the title.

So today I just got back from my first laser hair removal appointment. OMG, does it hurt, but at least its done and over for the first treatment. My face is all red and puffy, but in a couple hours it shouldn't sting anymore. I have to go back Tuesday to get the spots that were missed. She even thinks i may need only 2 to 3 treatments... wouldn't that be nice! That would only be $1.2K total for laser plus whatever pesky hairs remain to be electrolisized.

I am going to have lunch soon with an old neighbor. She wants to talk about me so we will see how it goes!