I need to get back to writing every day because i forget so much of what goes through my mind during the week. Writing a journal is easy as remember events is not so hard but deep thoughts takes more concentration. Mental note: WRITE EVERY DAY!!
ok. so thursday i don't remember much.
Friday - I broke down finally and bought starcraft 2 and needed a new headset so write after paying off my credit card, bam, $110 down the drain... grrr. On top of that, the game kept making my computer spaz out, so i tried for 3 or 4 hours trying to figure out what was wrong. I got it fixed, the next day so beware! Sonia is going to start her domination over all those nerdy pimple faced kids! (yes, i can use this stereotype because i was one :P)
So saturday, i took some time with my hair, straightened it and tried to style it that was "emo" ish i guess. It didn't turn out that bad though, i was pretty happy with myself. Something i read was put some hairspray on your comb and comb your hair with it. Not only will it help stay in place, but it adds a little shine to your hair.
I also had my first time cuddling and having someone else sleep in my bed for romantic reasons. It felt sooo right to have someone hold you, and be with you. The world never made sense much before, but now pieces are slowly fitting into the puzzle of life!
Starcraft 2, woot!