Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Do things happen for a reason?

That is the question i am asking myself right now. I have been introduced to a new group of people via a friend in England (which i just so happened to have met in Second Life), i hope to call friends. Through them, another person i got in contact with, who says they can help me get rid of my tummy. This has been one of my life long goals, and i really hope it can happen. I will do anything that needs to be done (short of harming myself, of course).

I called my doctor about my referral to the specialized clinic and the secretary answered and could only tell me that she is unable to give me any information as she does not want to give me the wrong information. Tomorrow, my doctor should be getting in touch with me, and hopefully i'll finally find out. If it doesn't go through, I honestly don't know what i will do.

Lastly, a friend of mine's brother died this week. A drunk driver swerved into his lane, cutting him off and causing the accident. I have to think how often i've driven after having drinks and it is a scary thought wondering if you can judge yourself well enough that you can drive safe. I know I will be considering this much more in depth before thinking about driving home.

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