Monday, July 19, 2010


Had a strange dream. It's the first time i've had a reoccuring dream. My dream is that i never get to the appropriate high school class ontime, and i seem to go to the wrong classroom first. Each time i've had the dream (this is the 2nd or 3rd time) it is always a different class i enter first before trying to find the appropriate class room. It's bizzare but it just makes me get all stressed out until i wake up.

Besides that, did my normal 400 calorie workout and my work Monday was fairly easy (which just means i'll make up for it on a friday).

I did get a little suprise when i got home. Last week i talked about the video's a friend of mine linked. I messaged the girl and she got back to me today and wrote an entire essay of support. It made me so happy to get in touch with someone who is willing to offer support due to having similar family issues. I would have to ask her if i can link her youtube channel first, but for now it was just nice to know others around my age are available.

That's it for today!

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